Mexican Roasting Champion Uriel Oropeza Light Roast for Espresso/Electric Brew Recipe

Jan 13, 2024

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Uriel Oropeza won Mexico’s roasting championship in 2021 and competed in the 2023 World Roasting Championships in Taiwan. Before the competition began, he stopped by our office for an interview and later, back home in Mexico City, developed a curve he thought our users may enjoy.

In his words:

“This curve is designed for a washed coffee from the state of Chiapas, a Bourbon variety from Mexico.

It starts at a preheat temperature of 270C, with an initial power of 4 and an airflow of 2. This temperature is ideal for 650g because, from my experience, a higher initial temperature, if the bean structure can handle it without causing any defects such as scorching, tends to result in a greater aroma intensity in the coffee.

The purpose of extending the drying stage is to eliminate more moisture so that during the crack, the caramelization reaction is more robust. For this reason, heat is dissipated with the help of gradual increases in airflow. This achieves an intense aroma, high sweetness, and a medium-bodied, syrupy texture in the coffee.

It’s an ideal curve for our customers who prefer espresso or home consumers who enjoy coffee prepared in an electric coffee maker because the curve is suitable for promoting greater solubility of the coffee’s chemical compounds, providing balance, intensity, and body."

Make sure to read all the Roast Recipe notes before you run it! Check it out here.

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