How to roast coffee in the middle of a heat wave...

Jul 21, 2022

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Turn on the news and you'll see it everywhere: record heat and wildfires.

Our support team has noticed a substantial uptick in Bullet owners reporting ambient temperature related errors, particularly ErC 0004, as a direct result of roasting outside and in garages while temperatures around the world are climbing ever higher.

Although you may be able to beat the heat with a cold beer, your Bullet is not a fan of long summer days. It needs temperatures below 30C/86F to operate comfortably. Anything above that, and you're far more likely to trigger it's safety features, which will prevent you from continuing your roast.

If you absolutely must roast at higher temperatures, roasting with a fan aimed at the Bullet can keep the components cool enough to continue.

If you roast light and don't mind roasting small batches, you could also consider bring the Bullet inside and roast under an oven hood when it gets too hot (or too cold) to roast large batches outdoors.

Also of note: roasting in environments with wildly fluctuating temperatures dramatically affects your roast profiles and recipes, making roast-to-roast consistency all but impossible as the seasons change.

In other words, if you want to take your roasting to the next level, there is no substitute for a dedicated venting solution in a well-conditioned indoor environment. For examples and advice, consider perusing our Community Forums, where there are a number of creative venting solutions posted by fellow roasters. The unofficial FB forum for Aillio Bullet users is another large community with good info. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team, [email protected] .

(Image Credit: Copernicus)

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