Welcome to the New-Look Roast.World!

Apr 02, 2024

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If you haven’t logged into Roast.World lately, you may be a little surprised by what you're looking at!

Here's what's different, now:

New Navigation Bar:  The old menu sidebar has leveled-up -- literally! -- to the top of the website, to free up more horizontal display space.

Dashboard Enhancements: The Roasts and Beans tables on the Dashboard now display more information, with additional columns added for better insights into your roasting history.

Breadcrumb Navigation: Breadcrumbs have been introduced to facilitate easier navigation across pages. This replaces the need for multiple button clicks in the older version, providing users with quick access to important links.

Roast Analyzer Improvements: Users can now search for and analyze roast profiles from different beans with the Roast Analyzer, and the “true development time” measurement (based on average first crack temperatures) has been replaced with the far more useful “delta” measurement (temperature change after first crack.)

Additional Screen Space: Most pages on Roast World feature multiple filters and actions. We redesigned them to utilize the available screen space more effectively, so that it is easier to navigate the site while displaying more data on each page.

Better “Create Bean” Flow: The Create Bean page for adding beans has been streamlined to help users add important information more quickly.


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